Tuesday, November 26

Late November update

Over the last 2 weeks I've had many opportunities to check most of the region best birding spots and It is probably not going to be remembered as the best season we had, but nevertheless, like I wrote in my last post, some very nice species can be found in various locations including 4-5 Oriental Skylarks at Yotveta fields, 40-50 of each Thick-billed and Bar-tailed Larks at Ovda Valley, few Temminck's Larks at various spots as well as Asian Desert and Spectacled Warblers.

The last 2 months we had also infrequent reports of Striolated Buntings around Ovda Valley (all started with the photo here by Shimon Shiff) and I also had one last Sunday.
I just hope that this will mark the return of this wonderful species to the region after being lost for so many years.

Winter is still ahead and I still hope that more birds will arrive to enjoy the great winter around Eilat (mind you that there are 3-4 direct flight from Europe to Ovda during winter...)

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