You probably wander why should I open my post with this rather boring female Spanish Sparrow …
Well, the bird itself isn't much of a story, but a foreign looking ring on it's leg alarmed me as I approached it this morning while in the net! As I finished extracting it , read the ring and immediately realized It is an Israeli ring which doesn't belong to the IBRCE!
5TE0049 was ringed by Yoav at Ezuz(Western Negev) on the 18th October 2010! This bird was probably on it's way to southern Israel for the winter and nw probably already heading north…
Other than that ringing this morning was interesting especially because of the first CE(Constant Effort) ringing at our new CE site- a large Salvadora persica bush with Moringa and Acacia scrub around.
The air was full of ticking calls at first light and as expected many Sylvia warblers were caught. Yes I know…it is another Ruppell's Warbler, but I just love these birds...
A migrating flock of Penduline Tits was calling in the reed. I "invited" them in, and these two replied. Roni was pleased with these sweet couple!
This amazing 2nd cy male Bluethroat of thessp. palidogullaris was a nice treat
Seawatching in the last two afternoons produced mostly ducks( Pochards, Ferruginous Ducks, Pintails, Wigeons, Shovelers & Teals), maybe tomorrow's south wind will spit out something good!
Great stuff!